Get treated worldwide for serious illnesses with 'Health Plus' insurance
"Life Plus Care"
Financial compensation for surgical intervention and hospitalization as a result of an acute illness. Financial compensation for surgical intervention and hospitalization for injury, fracture, and burns as a result of an accident:
- Cancer,
- Heart Attack,
- Intracerebral hemorrhages (cerebral stroke),
- Acute myocardial infarction and
- Kidney Failure

Standard Package
up to €5,000
- Permanent total disability due to an accident
- Loss of life as a result of the accident
- Monthly premium per person: 5.00€
- Total premium per person €60.00
Silver Package
up to €7,000
- Permanent total disability due to an accident
- Loss of life as a result of the accident
- Monthly premium per person €6.25
- Total premium per person €75.00

Gold Package
up to €10,000
- Permanent total disability due to an accident
- Loss of life as a result of the accident
- Monthly premium per person €10.00
- Total premium per person €120.00
See all the details in our insurance product information documents:
Frequently Asked Questions
If you request help or advice, contact us from 8 am to 4:30 pm.
E-mail:[email protected]
It is a contract requirement that you request prior authorization for the following services:
- Hospital admission
- Day surgery
- Medical evacuation by air ambulance
A chronic illness is a diagnosis for which no curative treatment is known, such as asthma or diabetes. A pre-existing condition is an illness that showed symptoms for the first time before the insurance coverage began, or a diagnosis that is a direct consequence of another known and diagnosed condition.
Would you like to know more about our products?
Contact us
Our team of specialists will help you to:
- Learn about our product packages and benefits
- Get an individual offer
- Schedule a personal meeting
- Choose the right service for you