Your investment is constantly exposed to unexpected and unforeseen events, starting from the weather conditions and unexpected layers of the subsoil, on which you raise the foundations of your works, to the carelessness of the human capital, in the implementation with precision and rigor of project specifications, insurance rules in construction, assembly, etc.

Insurance of all risks in construction

This product is for all builders of buildings, factories, plants, airports, bridges, highways. The insurance policy provides insurance coverage against all risks for the building construction phase and also for a warranty period after the completion of the works. The coverage includes both damages suffered by the insured (contractor or subcontractor of the works), as well as damages that the insured may cause to third parties.

Assuring All Risks In Assembly

Through this insurance policy, SIGAL UNIQA undertakes to pay for work damages in all stages of the assembly of machines and equipment in industrial facilities.

In addition, we also pay for damages to third parties, both bodily and property, as well as expenses for cleaning up waste caused by the occurrence of an insurance event.

Machinery Insurance

This is the policy through which machines in industrial units are insured.

We undertake to repair or replace any loss or physical damage that may occur to machines unexpectedly and accidentally during the work process.


See all the details in our insurance product information documents:

Frequently Asked Questions

The premiums for this insurance vary from 0.1% of the insured amount to 0.5% of the insured amount, depending on the installations that will be performed.

The premiums for this insurance vary from 0.05% to 0.6% of the insured amount, depending on the type of object, the nature of the object and the construction conditions, the value of contracted works and work machines, the liability limit as and from the duration of the construction and warranty period.

The premiums for this insurance range from 0.2% to 0.5% of the insured amount, depending on the assemblies to be performed.

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  • Get an individual offer
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