How to proceed in the event of damage?
Kërkesat për rimbursim
Kërkesë për rimbursim - B2
Kërkesë për autorizim paraprak
Politika e privatesisë SIGAL
Dokumentacioni i nevojshëm me rastin e kërkesës për rimbursim sh.p. - online
Fletëparaqitja e përgjithshme mbi aksidentin personal
Fletëparaqitja e përgjithshme mbi shëndetin në udhëtim
Lajmëro Dëmet
Cdo deme i ndodhur ne automjet te njoftohet SIGAL UNIQA Group Austria brenda 48 oreve ne email [email protected].
Kush mund te paraqes kerkesen per kompensim demi te shkaktuar ne rast aksidenti ne komunikacion:
- Pronari i mjetit te demtuar
- Personi i lenduar
- Pronari i objektit te demtuar
Per kompensim demi ne SIGAL UNIQA Group Austria, ju mund te perdorni kontaktet si me poshte:
- 038 240-241 ext. 746 dhe 164 - Nga e hena deri te premten prej 08:00 - 16:00
- Email Adresa per paraqitjen e demeve:j [email protected], duke bere nje pershkrim te · shkurter rreth aksidentit
- Ju mund te dergoni dokumentet edhe me poste te regjistruar ne adresaj SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA, Rr. “Ukshin Hoti”, Nr.19, Pejton, Kat. 4, Prishtinë, Kosovë
Lexo dokumentacionin e nevojshem per paraqitjen e demeve!
Lexo dokumentacionin e nevojshem per paraqitjen e demeve!
Frequently Asked Questions
(Health Damage)
Please contact SIGAL UNIQA immediately
(within 48 hours at the latest) at:
If you need to register or submit a reimbursement request, please visit our website at:
You must complete this action no later than 5 business days after receiving information about the incident, or you may submit the request directly to SIGAL UNIQA offices at the following address:
Ukshin Hoti Street, No. 19, Pejton, 1st Floor, Pristina
The request must be completed, including all necessary documents related to the case.
In the case of hospitalization or services that require prior authorization, after the waiting period for medical treatments according to Article 10 of the general terms of the contract, prior authorization must be completed and submitted to SIGAL.
In the case of a medical emergency, where care must be provided immediately, SIGAL must be notified within 48 hours at the following email address: [email protected] for expenses covered by the insurance.
To get information about the status of your reimbursement request, you can directly access the client portal at the following address:
Here you will find details for each stage of processing your request. You can also request information regarding the status of your request at the following email address: [email protected]
The processing time depends on the complexity of your request. If your request is complete with all necessary medical reports, test results, X-rays, MRIs, invoices, and receipts, it will be processed within the timeframes specified in the contract and applicable legislation.
If the request is incomplete or requires additional documentation due to the complexity of the incident, SIGAL UNIQA will inform you within 48 hours to complete the file with the necessary additional documentation.
If additional documents are required, you will be notified by email to attach them. You can submit the documentation physically at SIGAL UNIQA offices, or if you have submitted your request online, you can use the client portal to upload the necessary documents.
When submitting a request, you will need to provide copies of your identification card, copies of the insured person's ID card, medical reports, invoices and receipts, as well as any additional documents related to the incident.
The refund amount is determined based on the terms of the contract, the benefits list/policy, and the submitted medical reports. The assessment is made in relation to the reimbursement level.
After your reimbursement request is approved, SIGAL UNIQA will make the payment directly to your bank account specified in the insurance policy or to another bank account you specify in the reimbursement request form.
Our goal is to process payments for submitted claims immediately. However, the reimbursement time depends on the complexity of the request and the documentation submitted.
In special cases, the request may need to be reviewed in more detail before approving the reimbursement, and the reimbursement time is calculated from the day the reimbursement request is completed. Based on the terms of the contract and applicable legislation, reimbursement will be made within 15 days from the completion of the reimbursement request.
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